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English Pilot Lessons in 2018 

Our journey with English

"English class is fun yet thorough. Our tutor ensures that everyone understands the lessons and tasks assignments based on our academic abilities" 

Dilon Ng

"Nevin is one of the few tutors I have known to empower students with the necessary skills in answering different types of English questions. Unlike other centres where they feed us with answers without proper explanation, I have gained many skills attending the classes here. Even though I only had English lessons here for half a year, my perspective of the subject has changed. 

This was shown in my O Level results, and really surprised my family."

Lim Bo Liang

"The English class is very interactive and Nevin makes sure we understand everything crystal clear. Only 50% of the NA cohort who took O Levels in my school passed English and I was one of them!"

Li Jia Jun

" I scored distinctions for Math and Science but failed my English."

This was a common occurrence that besieged our Academic Coaches. Both parents and students alike asked time and again if we offered English lessons. After all, our mission was to ensure every one of our students were well equipped to take on the O Levels as a whole, and not just the subjects we were teaching.


We finally took the plunge in June of 2018 and opened our doors to students who needed help with O Level English. Mr Nevin, who holds an Hons in English literature from NTU, joined us on board to develop an English programme that would not only ensure progress in grades, but also spark an interest in the language through thorough content, reasoning skills and discussion based learning.

Out of our 5 pioneering students, we managed to push some to a first pass in their English academic journey, while others achieved distinctions. It is heartening to know that our syllabus has catered to students from different backgrounds and results, reaffirming us to continue our pursuit to help every student gain confidence to take on the O Levels in various subjects.

With that achievement in mind, we are continuing with our English classes in 2019! If English is a concern for you, we urge you to join us for the class and discover a passion for the subject. 

Normal Academic to O Levels

Our journey with NA students

The journey from N Levels to O Levels is always daunting, but achievable. 

There are four possible pathways for Normal Academic students after their N Levels; O Levels, DPP, PFP or NITEC.  

We have handheld more than 30 NA students in their journey towards O Levels in the last 3 years and have maintained a hundred percent Poly entrance rate. This year 2019, we are proud to see our first NT student who joined us in Sec 1 progress to NA in sec 2, go through N Levels and finally complete his O Levels.

Jia Jun from Hougang Secondary will be fulfilling his dreams in his desired course in which he had gotten a place through EAE. Congratulations Jia Jun! 

©2023 by The Learning Modulus.

The Midtown, 1187 Upper Serangoon Road, #02-10, S533971

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